Saturday, December 15, 2018

Montaigne Essays for January meeting

Following are the titles we will be reading for January 17, 2019 from the essays of Michel De Montaigne."

On Sadness (aka "On Sorrow")

On Fear

On Smells

On Books

On Experience

These are listed in chronological order. David notes that "On Experience" is the longest essay Montaigne wrote, but also the last one, and is worth the time.

The library has editions of Montaigne available, or you can read them free online:

 Project Gutenberg

Amazon Kindle edition  Volume 1  and  Volume 2  

If you are a resident Kalamazoo Public Library card-holder, you can choose from several different editions on "Hoopla"


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Welcome to the 13th Season of Classics Revisited!

At the top left you'll see the titles we'll be reading this season, beginning with Dante's Inferno, the first book of his Divine Comedy. Choose any edition or translation of it you like best. Of the verse translations, some attempt to imitate the sound of the Italian terza rima, others try to render the content more accurately.

There are more versions of Inferno to choose from than the other two volumes because translators who start out intending to publish all three often stop after Inferno. Several versions can be read free online, including Longfellow's translation, or listened to for free on

In January, check back here for a list of the essays by Montaigne that we'll be reading.

Monday, January 8, 2018

The stories we are reading for the January 18 2018 meeting

All from "William Trevor: Collected Stories":

A Meeting in Middle Age
The Ballroom of Romance
The News from Ireland
Two More Gallants